Thursday, January 7, 2016

It gets complicated

It does indeed get more complicated.  So I shall back up and share how I met Jeff, my husband.

There was a really fun place for a all the kids to meet and dance in Mt Vernon, a few miles away.  Kids from all the smaller towns in the area would be there, it was safe back then in 1965! A bunch of girl friends and I loved to dance and scope out all the cute guys! I was 15 almost 16.  Well there He was the cutest boy I had ever seen❣ He even had long bangs like The Beatles, be still my heart!
I hoped with all my heart he would ask me to dance, there were at least a couple of hundred kids there so it was wasn't clear how this was to happen. Guys kept asking me to dance, friends, and finally the next to the last dance he asked me!  I was entirely too nervous but really relieved.  The last dance was the proverbial slow dance and that clinched it, I was in love! How all this fits into a inspired moment, you will just have to wait and see!  But looking back both Jeff and I and our adopted daughters know that Heavenly Father had his help in this.

We went steady for a year and a half, Jeff graduated and joined the Navy while I was a senior in high school.  Jeff's family had been attending the Mormon Church for a few years,and then his parents divorced and their attendance stopped. We eventually drifted apart life rushed on ahead for both of us.

I attended the University of Hawaii for a year in the late sixties.  When people say how cool the sixties were they must not have been there.  The Vietnam war, politics, drugs, free love etc. I knew kids that were killed in Vietnam, kids that ended up in mental health criseses, pregnancies, and all really nice kids too. It's like the world just went crazy for a while. It was a sad time for so many. So are there some things I regret, for sure, and that is why the repentance process was such a blessing for me when I did join the Church. I won't go into any more detail but know this I did have to do some soul searching and a lot of praying.

Moving right along I want to thank all of you that have made such nice comments and I treasure our times together.  I am so grateful for the influence you have had in my life. I love you!

More on the morrow. Xxxxx

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